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What is philosophy?

The word “philosophy” comes from the Greek philosophia, which means "love of wisdom." Philosophy is devoted to answering fundamental questions about existence, knowledge and reasoning, morality, and human nature.

Philosophy students are trained to understand and to respond both critically and creatively to the fundamental questions that have puzzled human beings for ages, as well as to new questions presented by 21st century ways of life. Philosophy deals with questions such as: 
  • What do we know and how do we know it? 
  • What is morally right and how should we live? 
  • What is the nature of the human mind and self? 
  • Is there a God and how might human beings know about God? 
  • What is the ideal form of government? 
  • What is the ultimate nature of reality?
Please see the links on the righthand side of this page for more information about majoring or minoring in philosophy at WVU, as well as getting involved with our philosophy club and other departmental events. In addition, the Undergraduate Catalog has detailed information on requirements for the B.A. in Philosophy.